How You Can Avoid Common Costly Mistakes
Understanding Different Property Strategies And Which One Is Best Suited To You
The Dangers Of Investing In Property Alone
Supercharge Your Portfolio With Industry Leading Research, Reports and Locations
How You Can Generate $2,000 Passive Income Every Week With The Right Property And Finance Strategy
Why Inaction Will Be The Biggest Financial Mistake Of Your Life
 Introduction to Property Investment
Chapter 1 – Understanding the Finance
 Chapter 2 – Locations, Research & Reports
 Chapter 3 – Fast Track Your Results
Chapter 4 – Creating a Property Strategy
Chapter 5 – Case Studies
Jason Paetow is a successful property investor of more than 20 years, who founded AllianceCorp in 2008 with a mission to help everyday Australians achieve financial freedom through strategic property investment.
Jason is also a fully licensed real estate agent, financial advisor, mortgage broker, builder, husband and a Father of three.
While he didn’t have the most conventional start to his career having left school at just 16 years of age, Jason was always passionate about being financially free and went on to purchase his first investment property at 20 years old.
By the time he was 30, Jason had built a large property portfolio that had made him a multi-millionaire.
This wasn’t due to pot luck or hand-outs, but rather a result of the time and effort Jason took to educate himself on the finance and property strategies he was going to implement to achieve financial freedom.
To date, AllianceCorp has assisted over 3500 clients to achieve their financial goals, and through watching this seven-part video series, we’re confident we can help you achieve yours too!